Aleksandra Pisarek takes 2nd place in the 3MT® competition

We are very proud to say that Aleksandra Pisarek, M.Sc. has made it to the podium of the 3MT® competition! She demonstrated that scientific research can be presented in an engaging, understandable, and inspiring way, earning her second place with a presentation on the power of air. The 3MT® competition took place as part of the "Initiative of Excellence - Research University" project at the Warsaw University of Technology.

The jury of the 3MT® competition included: Vice-Rector for Research Prof. Mariusz Malinowski, Director of the Doctoral School Prof. Paweł Pyrzanowski, Head of the Communication and Promotion Office at PW and Press Spokesperson Krzysztof Szymański, as well as science journalist and popularizer Radek Brzózka.

We warmly congratulate Ola and wish her continued success in her scientific endeavors!

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