The team's current activities focs on an innovative method of hydrogen production through the direct corversion of biogas into hydrogen and carbon in a microwave catalytic reactor (Horizon Europe project). Additional information and updates on the progress of this project can be found on the project's website and LinkedIn page.
Another ongoing project, known by the acronym INGA (NCBR project), involves using syngas to produce dimethyl ether (DME).
Fig. 1. Experimental setup for investigation of methane reforming processes
The team also has extensive experience in producing hydrogen and synthesis gas through both classical methods (steam and dry reforming) and innovative methods (reactive adsorption), such as hydrogen production with simultaneous CO2 sequestration (NCN project).
Fig. 2. Experimental setup for investigation of reactive adsorption
The team has been actively involved in the pyrolysis of rubber waste (NCBR project), electronic waste, packaging, and upgrading pyrolysis products.
Fig. 3. Experimental setup for investigation of rubber waste pyrolysis
The team has previously collaborated with medium and large companies in the fuel and energy sectors.
Research Infrastructure:
- Laboratory reactor for reforming and pyrolysis processes
- Large-scale batch pyrolysis reactor (WLAB)
- Thermogravimetric analyzer with FTIR spectrometer (Bruker Optics) PERSEUS® TG 209 F1 Libra (Netzsch)
- Surface area and porosity analyzer 3Flex (Micromeritics)
- Sample degassing station Smart VacPrep (Micromeritics)
- Differential Scanning Calorimeter DSC 1 (Mettler-Toledo)
- Micro Gas Chromatograph Micro GC Fusion (Inficon)
- Two tubular laboratory furnaces with a maximum operating temperature up to 1300 °C MTTF-1300 (MagmaTherm)
- Set of mass flow controllers SLA5850/51 (Brooks)
Selected Projects:
- Direct biogas conversion to green H2 and carbon materials by scalable microwave heated catalytic reactor for soil amendment and silicon carbide production (EU 2022-2026)
- Development of dimethyl ether production technology for the utilization of small hydrocarbon deposits (NCBR 2018–ongoing)
- Pilot integrated technological system for continuous pyrolysis production of carbon black and pyrolysis oil from rubber waste, particularly used car tires (NCBR 2014–2018)
- Study of the integrated process of hydrogen production in the methane-steam conversion reaction conducted simultaneously with CO2 sequestration on fly ash (NCN 2011–2014)
Team Members:
- Prof. Eugeniusz Molga, PhD, Eng.
- Robert Cherbański, PhD, DSc, Eng.
- Tomasz Kotkowski, PhD, Eng.
- Michał Lewak, PhD, Eng.
- Piotr Machniewski, PhD, Eng.
- Leszek Rudniak, PhD, Eng.
- Stanisław Murgrabia, MSc, Eng. (PhD student)
Robert Cherbański, PhD, DSc, Eng.
Phone: (+48) 22 234 63 74