Water, Liquid Fuels and Process Gases Filtration Laboratory The topics integrating the area of research work are broadly understood filtration processes, in particular including depth filters for water purification and coalescing filters for separating W/O emulsions (fuel dewatering) and O/W (water deoiling) and separation of oil and/or water mist from gas. The research focuses on the optimization of filter nonwovens in terms of structural parameters, as well as methods of their modification, giving the filtration partitions specific functional features adapted to specific applications. As part of the work, research is carried out on filter composites with bacteriostatic properties (filtration of water and biofuels), as well as chemical and plasma modifications of filtration structures that give the fibers the desired surface properties, which allows to achieve high separation efficiency, guarantee their high flexibility of operation in changing operating conditions and at the same time, extend the life of the filter elements.
The new research trend undertaken by the team concerns micropollutants in water, in particular microplastics and pharmaceutical compounds. As part of the second issue, the works include the decomposition of organic compounds and their sorption on a properly prepared sorbent and the development of water purification systems using composite particles in the integrated photocatalysis-sorption process carried out in a fixed or fluidized bed.
Name and surname | Room | Phone | |
Andrzej Krasiński, prof. ucz. dr hab. inż. | 307 | 22 234 64 93 | Andrzej.Krasinski@pw.edu.pl |
Name and surname | Room | Phone | |
Gradoń Leon, prof. dr hab. inż. | 314 | 22 234 62 79 | Leon.Gradon.ichip@pw.edu.pl |
Pilarek Maciej, prof. ucz. dr hab. inż. | 514 | 22 234 62 72 | Maciej.Pilarek@pw.edu.pl |
Werner Łukasz, dr inż. | 315 | Lukasz.Werner@pw.edu.pl |
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