Membrane Research Group

The team operates within the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. It comprises individuals with extensive experience in conducting research projects and collaborating with industry. Doctoral students and undergraduate students from the Faculty are also involved in the team’s work. The team’s research focuses on developing new membranes, imparting them with novel functionalities, and on the applied aspects of membrane processes in industrial applications.

The team has completed numerous national and international projects funded by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) and commissioned by commercial entities. Team members provide expert assessments upon request from governmental units and the economic sector. The team has highly advanced research facilities in various membrane techniques, enabling pilot studies on the developed technology.

Interdepartmental research team


Name and Surname Room Phone E-mail
Szwast Maciej, prof. uczelni dr hab. inż. 326 +48 22 234 64 16

Research staff

Name and Surname Room Phone E-mail
Gierycz Paweł, prof. dr hab. inż. 217
Krasiński Andrzej, prof. uczelni dr hab. inż. 307 +48 22 234 64 93
Polak Daniel, dr inż. 316

PhD Students

Name and Surname Room Phone E-mail
Zielińska Izabela, mgr inż.  311
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