Department of Process Kinetics and Thermodynamics
Supervisor of the Green Technologies in Chemical Engineering Master's track
Room: 524
Office hours:
Professor Andrzej Stankiewicz supervises the Green Technologies in Chemical Engineering Master's track. He is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, WUT, a former Professor of chemical engineering at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, and the Director of TU Delft Process Technology Institute. With more than 40 years of industrial and academic research experience, he is the author of numerous scientific publications on process intensification (PI), chemical reaction engineering and industrial catalysis. Prof. Stankiewicz is one of the pioneers of process intensification. His visionary paper on PI has been cited more than 1000 times. He is co-author and editor of the world's first book on process intensification: Re-Engineering the Chemical Process Plant. Andrzej Stankiewicz was also Editor of Elsevier's Journal Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification and is Editor-in-Chief of the Polish Academy of Sciences' journal Chemical and Process Engineering: New Frontiers, and Series Editor of the Green Chemistry Books Series (Royal Society of Chemistry). He was a founder and the first Chairman of the Working Party on Process Intensification at the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. He currently chairs the Board of the European Process Intensification Centre (EUROPIC). Andrzej Stankiewicz received his MSc in chemical engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology and a PhD from the Industrial Chemistry Research Institute in Warsaw.
The research interests of Prof. Stankiewicz focus on the control of molecular interactions and intensification of chemical processes using electricity-based forms of energy (e.g., lasers, microwaves, plasma, UV). In this field, Professor Stankiewicz was awarded, among others, the prestigious ERC Advanced Investigator Grant by European Research Council for researching "perfect chemical reactors."