Seminar series "Chemical Engineering Horizons in Different Perspectives"

We invite you to seminars from the "Chemical Engineering Horizons in Different Perspectives" series. During the seminars, representatives of companies and universities will talk about their experiences and thoughts on the future and horizons of chemical engineering. The events will be held in person in the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering Building, Waryńskiego 1, in Auditorium III on Wednesdays from 3:00 p.m., starting from February 28 and ending on March 20. Admission after registration; meetings will be conducted in English.

We invite everyone interested in the directions of development and the spectrum of prospects facing chemical engineering to participate in the seminars. Students, PhD students, academics, and researchers of WIChiP, other Warsaw University of Technology faculties, or other universities will undoubtedly find inspiration during these meetings to manage their professional or scientific development. Specialists from universities and international companies will deliver seminars, and they will invite you to discuss the horizons and future of chemical engineering.

Seminar schedule

February 28

  • 3:00 p.m. - prof. Andrzej Stankiewicz - professor at Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology

March 6

  • 3:00 p.m. - Marc-Olivier Coppens – Head of the Centre for Nature-Inspired Chemical Engineering at University College London) 
  • 4:00 p.m. - Reinaldo Machado – Principal R&D Engineer at EMD Electronics (Merck KGaA), formerly with Air Products and Chemicals 

March 13

  • 3:00 p.m. - Roger-Marc Nicaud - founder and CEO of Ypso-Facto, formerly founder and CEO of Novasep 

March 20

  • 3:00 p.m. - Roberto Werneck do Carmo – Head Global I&T – Open Innovation at Braskem (speaker will visit us in person)


Please register for selected seminars using the form. You can edit the registration form by noon on each seminar day.

Students and PhD students participating in the seminar series will be issued certificates of participation. The basis for granting a certificate is prior registration.

Come join us!

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