Research Team for Nanodispersion of Gases in Liquids
The Team's area of interest mainly lies in the properties and applications of micro- and nanobubbles of gases in liquids. They are used, among others, in the food industry (e.g., beverages with oxygen or hydrogen nanobubbles), wastewater treatment (flotation, COD reduction), agrotechnology (plant and animal growth promotion) and medicine (blood circulation enhancement, treatment of chronic wounds), as well as industrial biotechnology (intensification of biomass growth, intensification of mass transfer in cultures).
Due to the experience of the members of the Team, the work performed ranges from basic research on the nature and stability of gas nanodispersions to the study of their applications in bioprocess engineering and medicine.
The team cooperates with research groups from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw Medical University and other teams within the structures of the Faculty and the Warsaw University of Technology.
Skład zespołu
- prof. dr hab. inż. Paweł Sobieszuk, prof. uczelni- Team's Head
- tel.: (+48) 22 234 63 19
- dr inż. Karol Ulatowski
- mg inż. Kacper Kołodziejski
Research equipment:
- DA650 fluid density analyzer from Kyoto Electronics
- RX-7000i refractometer from Atago
- portable oxygen analyzers:
- ProSolo DIGITAL from YSI - with optical sensor
- Pro20 from YSI - with polarographic sensor
- micro- and nano-bubble generators:
- KTM25 pump from Nikuni - generation of microbubbles of gas in liquid on the scale of 40-50 dm3 of liquid
- ceramic membrane generator from Fine Bubble Technologies - generation of gas nano-bubbles in liquid on the scale of 1-5 dm3 of liquid
- generator of the Team's own design - generation of gas nano-bubbles in liquids on the scale of several tens of milliliters of fluid
- Klarwod hydrodynamic generator - generation of gas nano-bubbles on the scale of several dm3 of fluid.
- Zetasizer NanoZS from Malvern Panalytical
- NanoSight LM10 from Malvern Panalytical
- Stirred tank bioreactors from Sartorius, Eppendorf
Services offered
- generation of micro- and nano-dispersions of gases (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, air) in various liquids and scales
- analysis of liquid properties in terms of density, oxygen content, viscosity, surface tension and refractive index
- selection of nanodispersions for application in industrial and laboratory processes
- analysis of the density distribution of nanometer-scale particles/bubbles in solutions
Research projects
- Obtaining and studying the properties of gas nanobubbles in liquids (NCN OPUS 15, 2018/29/B/ST8/00365, 2019-2023)
- Liquid dispersions of oxygen nanobubbles as carriers of aerosol drugs delivered from nebulizers (Biotechmed-1, IDUB PW, 2020-2022)
Chosen scientific publications
- Interactions between O2 nanobubbles and the pulmonary surfactant in the presence of Inhalation medicines, Dobrowolska Katarzyna, Odziomek Marcin, Ulatowski Karol, Kędziora Weronika, Soszyńska Karolina, Sobieszuk Paweł, Sosnowski Tomasz R., Materials, 2022, 15, 6353, doi:10.3390/ma15186353
- Aqueous dispersions of oxygen nanobubbles for potential application in inhalation therapy, Odziomek Marcin, Ulatowski Karol, Dobrowolska Katarzyna, Górniak Izabela, Sobieszuk Paweł, Sosnowski Tomasz R., Scientific Reports, 2022, 12, 12455, doi:10.1038/s41598-022-16720-3
- Effect of nanobubble presence on murine fibroblasts and human leukemia cell cultures, Ulatowski Karol, Wierzchowski Kamil, Fiuk Julia, Sobieszuk Paweł, Langmuir, 2022, 38, 28, 8575-8584, DOI:10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c00819
- Investigation of the possibility of culturing aerobic yeast with oxygen nanobubble addition and evaluation of the results of batch and semi-batch cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Sobieszuk Paweł, Strzyżewska Alicja, Ulatowski Karol, Chemical Engineering and Processing : Process Intensification, 2021, vol. 159, s.1-9, Numer artykułu:108247. DOI:10.1016/j.cep.2020.108247
- Impact of process parameters on the diameter of nanobubbles generated by electrolysis on platinum‐coated titanium electrodes using Box–Behnken experimental design, Ulatowski Karol, Jeżak Radosław, Sobieszuk Paweł, Energies, 2021, vol. 14, nr 9, s.1-14, Numer artykułu:2542. DOI:10.3390/en14092542
- Gas nanobubble dispersions as the important agent in environmental processes – generation methods review, Ulatowski Karol, Sobieszuk Paweł, Water and Environment Journal, 2020, vol. 34, nr S1, s.772-790. DOI:10.1111/wej.12577
- Oil-contaminated surface cleaning using oxygen and nitrogen nanobubbles, Ulatowski Karol, Sidorski Michał, Sobieszuk Paweł, Journal of Physics - Conference Series, 2020, vol. 1681, nr 1, s.1-5, Numer artykułu:012017. DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1681/1/012017
- Sterilisation of nanobubble dispersions, Ulatowski Karol, Fiuk Julia, Sobieszuk Paweł, Chemical and Process Engineering , 2020, vol. 41, nr 1, s.69-76. DOI:10.24425/cpe.2019.130224
- Stability of nanobubbles generated in water using porous membrane system, Ulatowski Karol, Sobieszuk Paweł, Mróz Andrzej [i in.], Chemical Engineering and Processing : Process Intensification, 2019, vol. 136, s.62-71. DOI:10.1016/j.cep.2018.12.010
- Badanie cytotoksyczności dyspersji nanopęcherzyków tlenu w wodzie, Ulatowski Karol, Sobieszuk Paweł, Kuźmińska Aleksandra [i in.], Acta Scientiarum Polonorum -Biotechnologia, 2018, vol. 17, nr 2, s.51-58. DOI:10.30825/5.biot.58.2018.17.2
- Badanie właściwości fizykochemicznych dyspersji mikro- i nanopęcherzyków azotu w cieczach, Ulatowski Karol, Maciejewska Anna, Mróz Andrzej [i in.], Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna, 2018, vol. 57, nr 3, s.84-85
- Influence of liquid flowrate on size of nanobubbles generated by porous-membrane modules, Ulatowski Karol, Sobieszuk Paweł, Chemical and Process Engineering, 2018, vol. 39, nr 3, s.335-345. DOI:10.24425/122954