Team led by Marta Mazurkiewicz-Pawlicka, PhD, is among the winners of the M-ERA.NET competition!
We are pleased to announce that the AH-Nano-Cat research team, headed by Marta Mazurkiewicz-Pawlicka, PhD, has received funding of 1,520,730 PLN for the implementation of the project titled "Advanced Hybrid Nanomaterials for Efficient Photo(Electro)Catalytic Water Purification and Hydrogen Production." The project will be funded by the National Science Center.
M-ERA.NET is a network of 49 organizations from 35 countries that finances research in the field of materials science and materials engineering, which includes the National Science Centre. The network announces competitions supported by the European Commission for projects carried out by international research teams. A total of 15 projects involving Polish scientists will receive funding under the M-ERA.NET - 3/2024 competition, with 8 of them funded by the National Centre for Research and Development.