
UPDATE: 5th International Scientific Conference “Chemical Technology and Engineering

New registration deadline!

Dear Colleagues,

The Organizing Committee is inviting You to participate in 5th International Scientific Conference “Chemical Technology and Engineering – 2025” which will take place on June 23-26, 2025 at Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine) in a hybrid format due to the armed russian aggression in Ukraine. More information is available in full text.  

Tutoring for international students available!

Dear Candidates,

If you're thinking about starting a second degree programme at WIChiP, but are going to join us from another department, or another university, here's something for you! We offer specialised tutoring for students who join us from outside of WIChiP. You will have the opportunity to fill in missing knowledge, giving you the confidence to pursue our second degree programme.

Aleksandra Pisarek takes 2nd place in the 3MT® competition

We are very proud to say that Aleksandra Pisarek, M.Sc. has made it to the podium of the 3MT® competition! She demonstrated that scientific research can be presented in an engaging, understandable, and inspiring way, earning her second place with a presentation on the power of air. The 3MT® competition took place as part of the "Initiative of Excellence - Research University" project at the Warsaw University of Technology.

Young scientists awarded in PRELUDIUM 23 competition

We are proud to announce that two PhD students from our Faculty, Monika Jałowiecka, M.Sc., and Daniel Wyleziński, M.Sc., have been recognized in the competition for research projects for individuals without a doctoral degree, PRELUDIUM 23, organized by the National Science Centre.

Success of Dr. Łukasz Werner in the MINIATURA 8 competition

We are very proud to announce that Dr. Łukasz Werner has received funding for his research as part of the MINIATURA 8 competition announced by the National Science Centre of Poland. The grant of 49 940 PLN will be allocated to the project titled "Investigation of the Influence of Plasticizer Additives on the Mechanical and Photocatalytic Properties of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Coating on Polymer Nonwovens". 

In the eighth edition of the competition, 1,752 applications were submitted, of which  723 have been approved for implementation. The awardees will receive a total funding amounting to nearly 28.78 million PLN.

Congratulations to Dr. Werner and we wish him further success in his scientific endeavors!

Increase of the Department's position in the EngiRank 2024 Engineering Studies Ranking

On October 29, 2024, the EngiRank 2024 Engineering Studies Ranking was published. We are proud to announce that the engineering studies in the discipline of "Chemical Engineering" at warsaw University for Technology were ranked 49th out of 170 evaluated universities. This is an increase of 28 positions compared to last year! The entire university ranks 64th, which is an improvement of 5 positions.

The whole ranking is available in here

Professor Andrzej Krasiński awarded with KEN Medal

November 15 is Warsaw University of Technology Day. During the celebration of this event, a number of awards were presented at a formal meeting of the Senate of Warsaw University of Technology. One of the awardees was dr hab. inż. Andrzej Krasinski, professor at the university, who was awarded the Medal of the National Education Commission. We sincerely congratulate him on this award!

You can read more about the Warsaw University of Technology's Day celebrations here.

Professor Ewa Dłuska was handed the professor nomination act

We are extremely happy to inform, that prof. dr hab. inż. Ewa Dłuska has received the professor nomination act from President of Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda. She officially started being the professor of engineering-technical sciences in chemical engineering discipline. The date of nomination was 29.05.2023.

Congratulations to Professor Dłuska, we wish her next great successes in future!

Workshops „Water4All 360° Water Experience” by Wetsus

We would like to inform you about the opening of the next edition of the workshop organized by the research institute Wetsus (the Netherlands). First degree graduates are encouraged to apply. The workshop runs from March 17 to 21, 2025 in Leeuwarden (the Netherlands). Eligibility for the program guarantees coverage of travel expenses, accommodation and all workshop activities.

The application deadline is November 18. More information tutaj (.pdf) . For questions, Wetsus encourages you to contact

Registration for 13th EYEC

We are very pleased to announce that the registration for participation in the next, already 13th, edition of the European Young Engineers Conference organized by the “Venturi” Scientific Circle of Chemical and Process Engineering will open on September 9. The conference will be held from April 7-9, 2025, and registration for participation will be possible until November 4, 2024.

More information about the conference and key dates are available on the conference website ( and in the flyer posted here (.pdf) . You are cordially invited to participate!

Dean and Vice-Deans nominated by Rector

The new term of the Faculty Authorities begins! On September 2, 2024, the Dean and the Vice-Deans received the appointments to their positions from the hands of the WUT Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba. The 2024-2028 term consists of:
- Prof. Marek Henczka, Dean
- Prof. Maciej Pilarek, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs
- Prof. Tomasz Sosnowski, Vice-Dean for Science and Development
- Dr. Jan Krzysztoforski, Vice-Dean for Studies
- Dr. Michal Wojasinski, Vice-Dean for General Affairs

Open Lectures by Honorary Speakers at UCRA

Ladies and Gentlemen, PhD Students and Students, we invite you to participate in the open and free-of-charge lectures at the beginning of the 3rd International Conference on Unconventional Catalysis, Reactors and Applications (UCRA):

Prof. Frances Arnold, Marie Curie Lecture “Innovation by Evolution: Bringing New Chemistry to Life” September 17 at 5:00 pm - registration

Prof. Jeffrey Hoffman, “Mars, MOXIE, and the Future of Human Space Flight” September 18 at 9:00 am - registration

Aleksandra Pisarek honored for her poster presentation at the 12th IMMS

We are very pleased to announce that Aleksandra Pisarek, M.Sc., received an award for her poster presentation at the conference "12th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium (IMMS)” held on June 8-12, 2024, in Montpellier, France. The poster presentation was entitled “The influence of the SOL-GEL synthesis composting and the double-crosslinking on the structural properties of VTMS aerogels.” The co-authors of the presentation were Bartosz Nowak, Ryszard Jobda, and Jakub M. Gac.

WIChiP researchers at ChemE-Med 2024 conference

The ChemE-Med 2024 Chemical Engineering as Applied to Medicine conference was held in Salerno, Italy, on May 20, 2024. The event's main goal was to provide a forum for discussions on applying basic scientific knowledge from the chemical and process engineering discipline to solve various problems and issues in physiology, medical diagnosis, therapy, health care, toxicology, and others. The conference was co-organized by Prof. Tomasz Sosnowski, and Dr. Krzysztof Wojtas participated in the event.

Our students in the Early Career section of European Federation of Chemical Engineering

We are very proud to announce that three of our students are members of the Early Career Chemical Engineers section of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. This section aims to inspire, inform, upskill young members of the chemical engineering community and support them in their career development in this discipline. Grzegorz Bernacki, Nikodem Dąbrowski and Monika Klimek represent our Faculty, Warsaw University of Technology and Poland. We sincerely congratulate them and wish them further professional success!

12th EYEC open plenary talks

We want to inform you that on April 15-17, 2024, the European Young Engineers Conference will be held at WIChiP for the twelfth time. This year, anyone interested in the topics of plenary lectures can freely participate. All lectures will be held in Auditorium A2. Details can be found in the extension of the message. 

"A Role for Chemical Engineers in Systems Approaches to Physiology and Clinical Medicine" - seminar

We are pleased to announce that on March 12, 2024, at 9:15 am, prof. David Bogle (University College London) will give a seminar entitled: "A Role for Chemical Engineers in Systems Approaches to Physiology and Clinical Medicine". Professor Bogle is an experienced scientist and educator in the field of process design and control, as well as in the field of systems biology. Since 2005, Professor Bogle has been a Pro-Vice-Provost of the Doctoral School at University College London. We are counting on your arrival and an interesting discussion after the seminar.

More information about Prof. Bogle [link] and a summary of the seminar topic [link].

Seminar series "Chemical Engineering Horizons in Different Perspectives"

We invite you to seminars from the "Chemical Engineering Horizons in Different Perspectives" series. During the seminars, representatives of companies and universities will talk about their experiences and thoughts on the future and horizons of chemical engineering. The events will be held in person in the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering Building, Waryńskiego 1, in Auditorium III on Wednesdays from 3:00 p.m., starting from February 28 and ending on March 20. Admission after registration; meetings will be conducted in English.

Studies at University of Fukui, Japan

Dear Students,

We would like to inform you about the opportunity to pursue a second degree or doctoral program at the University of Fukui in Japan. The university provides a wide range of international studies in English. Recruitment documents must reach the university between April 1 - 23, 2024 (October 2024 recruitment) or September 26 - October 17, 2024 (April 2025 recruitment). More information can be found on the university's website and under "Read More" below.

Offer of studies at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals in Saudi Arabia

Dear Students,
We would like to inform you about the opportunity to pursue a second degree or doctoral program in chemical engineering at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals in Saudi Arabia. The university offers a full travel scholarship, including free accommodation and health care, among other benefits. More details can be found on the University's website and in the graphic attached to this news.

ATTENTION: The deadline to apply for studies starting in the fall of 2024 is 17.12.2023!

Admission to Master's Programme 'Green Technologies in Chemical Engineering' is open!

Dear candidates, we are happy to inform you that admission for Master's degree studies starting in Feb. 2024 is open now! This includes our brand new programme 'Green Technologies in Chemical Engineering.' The deadline for the application for non-Polish Candidates is December 13, 2023. The Master's degree studies at Our Faculty are accredited by European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) and therefore the degree obtained is perfectly viable in all of Europe.

"Campus Internship - Digital Innovation" at DOW Chemical Company

We would like to inform you about internship opportunities at DOW Chemical Company through Digital Internship in Terneuzen, the Netherlands. Internships take place in one of DOW's key departments: Research and Development, Integrated Supply Chain, Operations (M&E), or Information Systems.

Internships are paid, the company offers housing, a 6-month contract, and reimbursement of travel expenses.

More information at the link here.

Our scientists' articles published in journals with the highest impact factor

We are pleased to inform you about the publications of our employees that were published this year in prestigious scientific journals with an impact factor (IF) above 10. Congratulations to all the authors of the mentioned papers.

The academic year 2023/2024 at WIChiP ceremonially started

On Monday, October 2, 2023, the inauguration ceremony of the 2023/2024 academic year occurred at our Faculty. Guests gathered in the AII Auditorium: representatives of the University authorities and Warsaw University of Technology faculties, as well as employees and students of the Faculty.

Maciej Szwast, Ph.D., with a grant in the EUREKA initiative

The team led by Maciej Szwast, Ph.D. D.Sc., in consortium with Polymemtech sp. z o.o., has received research funding of PLN 1,500,000.00 in the EUREKA 2022 competition. The funded project involves "Development of a novel multifunctional filtration technology based on artificial intelligence." Details of the competition and results can be found on the NCRD website. Congratulations and we look forward to the first results of the research and development work!