Programme Council

Establishing of the Programme Council of the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering WUT

The Programme Council of the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering was established by Decision of the Dean No. 39/2024 dated October 7, 2024.

Responsibilities of the Programme Council of the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering

  • developing new and modifying existing programs of study, taking into account in particular: the needs of the socio-economic environment, the results of monitoring the careers of graduates, the achievement of the assumed learning outcomes, and the results of surveys of students and graduates;
  • improving methods of verifying the achievements of learning outcomes;
  • developing and implementing innovative educational methods, including e-learning;
  • issuing opinions on diploma thesis topics and monitoring the diploma process;
  • issuing opinions and requesting changes in the schedule and teaching organization;
  • requesting changes to the teaching infrastructure to ensure the achievement of the assumed learning outcomes;
  • implementing decisions made by the University's Education Quality Council;
  • improving the Faculty Educational Quality Assurance System, including procedures for the educational process;
  • coordinating the course of teaching hospitalization and surveying;
  • conducting internal evaluation of the educational process;
  • periodically reviewing course charters and regulations ,
  • monitoring the quality of administrative service of academic teachers, students and postgraduate students;
  • monitoring the methods of supporting students in the educational process and the accessibility of education for people with disabilities;
  • annual preparation of reports on the quality of the educational process, taking into account the results of surveys and hospitalizations of teaching activities;
  • implementation of other tasks assigned by the Dean.

Composition of the Programme Council

No. Name Role
1 dr inż. Jan Krzysztoforski Chairman
2 dr hab. inż. Maciej Szwast, prof. uczelni Representative of the Chair of Dispersed Systems Engineering
3 dr hab. inż. Beata Butruk-Raszeja Representative of the Department of Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering
4 prof. dr. hab. inż. Łukasz Makowski Head of the Department of Industrial Process Intensification
5 dr hab. inż. Antoni Rożeń, prof. uczelni Head of the Department of Engineering and Dynamics of Chemical Reactors
6 dr inż. Piotr Machniewski Representative of the Department of Process Kinetics and Thermodynamics
7 dr inż. Katarzyna Dąbkowska-Susfał Dean's representative for education quality assurance system
8 dr hab. inż. Andrzej Krasiński, prof. uczelni Dean's representative for student science movement
9 dr inż. Agnieszka Markowska-Radomska Dean's representative for international student exchange programmes
10 dr inż. Agata Penconek Dean's representative for organisation of educational courses
11 prof. dr hab. inż. Paweł Sobieszuk Dean's represetative for student internships
12 mgr inż. Maria Jarząbek-Karnas Representative of PhD students
13 Krzysztof Czyżewski Student representative
14 Jakub Dekowski Student representative
15 Jakub Rejdych Student representative
16 dr Kamil Kwiatkowski Employer representative (EUROS ENERGY)
17 mgr inż. Wojciech Konarski Employer representative (Łukasiewicz Research Network - Industrial Chemistry Institute)
18 mgr inż. Jerzy Szafarczyk Employer representative (Baker Hughes)
19 dr inż. Michał Wojtalik Employer representative (Consultchem Design)