Supercritical Fluids Laboratory (SCF-LAB)
Head | Staff | PhD Students |
prof. dr hab. inż. Marek Henczka dr inż. Małgorzata Djas dr inż. Katarzyna Czaplicka dr inż. Katarzyna Dąbkowska-Susfał |
mgr inż. Piotr Cendrowski mgr inż. Jakub Januszewski |
The Laboratory's staff has extensive experience in the design, experimental investigation and mathematical modeling of high-pressure processes, gained during the implementation of numerous research and R&D projects, including in collaboration with scientific and industrial partners.
Research infrastructure
- Spe-ed SFE 2 supercritical extraction test system, Applied Separations (100 ml, up to 69 MPa)
- Parr Instrument Company high-pressure reactor (600 or 1200 ml, up to 20 MPa)
- Amar Equipment high-pressure reactor (100 ml, up to 20 MPa)
- SFT-10 high-pressure pump for CO2, Supercritical Fluid Technologies (up to 24 ml/min, up to 69 MPa)
- Knauer high-pressure pump for co-solvents (up to 10 ml/min, up to 40 MPa)
- Soxhlet apparatus for extraction using liquid solvents
- auxiliary apparatuses (laboratory dryer, laboratory mill, sieves, distillation system, filtration system)
- advanced analytical equipment (i.a. HPLC Shimadzu Nexera 40 - autosampler, DAD and RID detector)
Key projects
- HERB Biorefinery for processing hemp (NCBR, LIDER XIV, 2024-2027)
- Manufacturing of catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction based on reduced graphene oxide using supercritical fluids (IDUB PW, 2021–2022)
- Oil extraction technology with high content of Omega-3 fatty acids (Green Goods sp. z o.o., 2018–2019)
- Transport phenomena in the process for microfiltration membrane cleaning using supercritical fluids (NCN, PRELUDIUM 8, 2015–2017)
- Research and modeling of the process of reactive extraction of carboxylic acids using supercritical carbon dioxide (NCN, PRELUDIUM 5, 2014–2016)
- Integrated processes of reactive extraction using supercritical fluids (MNiSW, 2010–2014)
- study of supercritical extraction processes using liquid and solid raw materials and their comparison with classical solvent extraction
- study of reactive extraction processes with supercritical fluids
- study of the course of chemical reactions in the environment of supercritical fluids
- study of purification processes of porous materials using supercritical fluids
- treatment of materials using supercritical fluids
- foaming of biopolymers using supercritical fluids
- mathematical modeling, design, optimization, scale-up and cost analysis of processes involving supercritical fluids
- analysis of the composition and physicochemical and biological properties of the obtained extracts and materials